1. Cucumber and egg white
Grate half of medium cucumber, add a tablespoon of lime juice and mix it into a paste with the white of one egg. Apply to your face and leave it on for 5 minutes, and it will make your skin feel fresh and leave it looking younger.
2. Egg white, coconut oil and strawberry
This is an anti-aging face mask that will help with any acne or blackheads as well. Mash some strawberries and mix with one egg white, add a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to your face, leave on for about 5 minutes and the natural, gentle acids in the strawberries will help to fight any bacteria, clear up acne and help to reduce the appearance of fine lines; coconut oil will nourish your skin and natural antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties of coconut oil will also help prevent or fight any acne causing bacteria.
3. Cocoa powder and yogurt
A really simple facial mask that many people swear by as an anti-aging treatment is unsweetened cocoa powder and yogurt. Mix the two together into a paste. Apply and leave on for 5 minutes and it will give you fresh looking skin and it works as an exfoliator too.
4. Honey and banana
Banana helps to boost the production of collagen in your skin and honey has anti-bacterial properties, so a mixture of the two makes a great ant-aging face mask. Mash up one banana and mix in one tablespoon of honey, then apply to your face and leave it on for 5 minutes before washing off with warm water.
5. Oatmeal, honey and Grape seed oil
For rejuvenated and rehydrated skin, try this simple mix of equal parts oatmeal, grape seed and honey. Mix the three ingredients thoroughly and then apply the paste to your skin and leave on for 5 minutes, before washing off.
6. Blueberry and sweet almond oil
Naturally rich in vitamin C, blueberries also contain anthocyanins, which help to produce collagen in the skin and sweet almond oil is naturally nourishing and rich in in fatty acids. Blend a handful of blueberries with a tablespoon of grape seed oil in the blender, apply and leave the mixture on your face and rinse off after 5 minutes.
7. Apple, potato and cucumber
This mix will not only help to prevent fine lines appearing on your face, it will also leave you with a bright and glowing complexion too. Grate one potato, one small apple and half of medium cucumber, and mix the three together. Then, apply the paste to your skin and leave on for ten minutes and it will both reduce the signs of lines and wrinkles and help to reduce and gradually remove age spots as well.
8. Greek yogurt, papaya and coconut oil
Greek yogurt is a rich source of protein for nourishment, the lactic acid in the yoghurt will help to tighten up your pores and coconut oil will nourish and soften the skin. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which helps to remove dead skin cells. Mix equal parts of yogurt and papaya into a paste and add a little bit of coconut oil, apply to your skin for around 5 minutes and it will leave your face looking fresh and young again.
9. Avocado, tee tree oil and honey
Mix one avocado with a tablespoon of honey and add four drops of Tea tree oil for a face mask that will reduce wrinkles, moisturize your skin and prevent acne.
10. Egg white, olive oil and lemon juice
The ladies of the Mediterranean have been using olive oil in beauty treatments for centuries and this is a really simple facial mask that will nourish and brighten your skin. Just mix equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil (one tablespoon of each) with the white of one egg, and massage it into your skin, then leave it to dry for about 5-7 minutes before washing off with some lukewarm water.
Note: Make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients of these facial masks before applying them to your face.
SOURCE: Beautyandtips
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