How to
get rid of cellulite fast and naturally is a question on many minds of women
and even some men. First, and foremost, it is important to know exactly what is cellulite?

Cellulite is most
noticed on the thighs, buttock, stomach, and back of arms. Sometimes it appears
as those people that have “love handles” in the mid-body. Cellulite usually
appears on the body after puberty.
It is
named, in a joke like manner as, “cottage
cheese skin”, “orange peel syndrome”, “hail damage”, and the “mattress phenomenon”.
Cellulite can effect
both sexes, and is usually seen in women because they have particular types of
fat and connective tissue in the body that is susceptible. Cellulite is seen to
occur in 80 -89% of adult females.
do we see more cellulite in women than in men? This is simply because the septae, which are bands of
cushion like fat attached to the skin, pull straight down like curtain hanging
from a window. In males, the septae comes in sideways, concealing them from cellulite. Men also have
thicker skin than women in most cases, which allows the cellulite to be hidden
under the thicker skin.
are three stages of cellulite:

Stage 2: The skin shows paleness in comparison of the rest of the body’s
natural color because of the skin being stretched by the fat underneath. The
surrounding skin may be cooler in temperature to the touch, have diminished
springiness, and looks different in regard to “normal” skin areas.
Stage 3: Cellulite has noticeable bumpiness that can be felt by touch and “cottage cheese looking” along
with stage 2 signs.

What Causes Cellulite?
Truth be told, cellulite
is somewhat of a mystery. Why do some people explode with cellulite and others
look like a beautiful model and are cellulite-free?
There are several
theories that have some backing simply from what is witnessed in real life.
Some of these are:

Constricted sized pants,
underwear, and other clothes that do not fit properly, with a tight,
restricting fit around and across the thighs and buttock will reduce blood
flow. This will further to the shaping of cellulite within the pinched areas.
weight over the normal the body healthy weight recommended can cause cellulite.
The cold hard facts are that when a person eats too many carbohydrates, fat, and salt in
their diet they will gain cellulite. Gaining weight will add to cellulite by
making each individual fat cell bigger.
So, the more the fat
gain, the more the affected areas will look lumpier. Even, for some women that
are at a healthy weight, when losing weight too quickly for the body to adjust
to the new weight change, may relax the skin making cellulite more noticeable.
Certain genetic body
types are predisposed for cellulite development. In ancient times, having
“saddle bags” on the hips and upper thighs, was Nature’s way of storing for
famine and shortages of food in hard times. The body then could, ‘live” off
these stored fats until food was available again. Nowadays, there is plenty of
fat and sugar to go around in our modern day diet and this cause’s cellulite
of certain genes may incline a person to specific properties seen with
cellulite. If a person has a slow metabolism they will be
prone to gain weight and thus develop
cellulite. A slow metabolism can also cause circulatory problems and the body
is unable to “burn” fat. This is a result of having a thyroid gland that is
underactive which creates more cellulite in the body system.
Hormonal Issues
The hormones in the body
are much of a factor in the problem of cellulite. Some scientists believe that
estrogen, noradrenaline, insulin, thyroid conditions and prolactin are a large
factor of the production of cellulite. Estrogen may be the main hormone to
cause cellulite. This makes common sense because Estrogen is found most
plentiful in women and causes a wide range of hormone functions.
Life style counts
Cellulite is found more
frequent in smokers. It is also distinguished in those who do not exercise
regularly, or those who stand in one place for many hours.
Having a high stress lifestyle will increase the level of
catecholamines in the body. These catecholamines are linked to cellulite being
created in the body. Why is this so? Catecholamines are any assembled cluster
of related neurotransmitters, such as epinephrine and dopamine that have
similar effects on the sympathetic nervous system.
is a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla when the nervous system in the body
is stress out, angry or in fear. This causes the heart rate, blood
pressure, cardiac output, and carbohydrate metabolism to be stressed. If the
body gets strained it will put the energy to protect it from danger into these
hormone secreted areas.
Likewise, dopamine helps
the brain act with emotion and actual movement. Thus movement plays an
important role in whether or not a person will have cellulite.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite Fast And Naturally

Start dry brushing your skin
brushing improves your circulation and helps your skin get rid of toxins,
reducing the appearance of cellulite. Buy a body brush made with natural fibers and make dry brushing a part of your
morning routine.
plenty of water
your body keeps your skin cells looking fresh and renewed, which can reduce the
appearance of cellulite. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a
day to make sure your system is getting all the water it needs.
Drinking 8 glasses (6
ounces each) of water daily. Make sure this is pure water with nothing added.
Just the prescription that Mother Nature intended for us. By keeping your body
hydrated it will keep your skin cells looking fulfilled and revitalized, which
will lessen the look of cellulite.
Consuming at least 8
of water daily is essential to feeling great for everybody, so it is an
important habit to incorporate in your life. The best way to start your day is
by drinking a glass of water in the morning. Do this first thing at daybreak to
get your body system off to a great start. Also, carry a reusable container
full of water throughout the day and fill it often with pure water.
Eat fruits and vegetables

It is important to eat fruits and
vegetables high in fiber and low in sugar. Choose veggies and fruits to help you lose
the unwanted pounds and reducing the weight of your body. Avoid
crash dieting which will make cellulite worst. Losing weight too fast will
reduce muscle tissue and not fat. Slow and steady wins the race and also
with losing cellulite fast and naturally.
Accept your curves and
love your body. Being rail-thin like an air-brushed model is not the goal.
Accept your curves and have the intention to be in shape and at your ideal body
weight. This is the best decision that you can make. Love your body and take
care of it. Think healthy and feel healthy. This is of the greatest importance.
2. Consume food with
Omega-3 fatty acids that are the healthy fats that the body
does need for nutrition. An example of these delicious foods are fish, nuts,
avocados, and olives. Eat these foods in moderation to supplement your daily
nutrition. Eat plenty of raw vegetables.
Raw salad greens,
broccoli, carrots and other vegetables are packed with nutrients, antioxidants
and water. If you make them the mainstay of your diet you’ll see a difference
in the amount of cellulite you have. Eat plenty of raw vegetables.This is the best
way to remove cellulite. Foods such as spinach, dandelion leaves, salad greens,
and broccoli are a good choice. Dark green veggies are the best choice when it
comes to getting rid of cellulite naturally.
4. Eat healthy fats.
Cellulite is caused by the fat just under the skin, but if your skin is toned
and healthy, the cellulite won’t be as noticeable. Foods like olives, nuts,
avocados, fish and olive oil contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin.
5. Avoid foods that are high in sugar,
fried, and salty. These will only increase cellulite. Go with never eating free
Exercise at least 3
days a week for 20 minutes and watch your dream body come to life. Choose an
exercise that you love to do and you will stick to doing it. This can be a
moderate cardio pace of dancing, walking, riding your bike. Work out hard
enough that you are breathing hard but still able to talk in small sentences.
This ensures that you are getting a good cardio workout.
Doing bike sprints up
a hill for few minutes at a time for about 3 minutes at a time will help break
up the unwanted cellulite. Also, if you are walking at a fast pace, sprint for
about 3 minutes and then go back to your normal pace. If you are walking on a
treadmill do the same technique and improve your stamina over time.
Be sure to add
flexibility training to your exercise by doing Yoga, Pilates or simple
stretches. You can do this before and after you do your cardio exercising. You
can also do these types of different exercise on rotating days to give your
body added benefits to different workouts so that you will work different
muscle groups and thus accessing different areas to rid your body of cellulite
Weight training will
help remove cellulite because it tones muscles under the skin and creates a
more firm appearance. Do exercises intended for thighs, buttocks, abs or where
ever you see the unwanted cellulite.
are the Best Cellulite Treatments?

what the best cellulite cream to use is essential getting results today. There are many creams on the market that make promises of removing
cellulite. It is essential to know that only diet and exercise can remove the
fat from the body.
Cellulite creams are
helpful in giving the appearance of taut skin by removing the hydration from
the surface from the fat cells of the body. The best creams will have a
warming factor and be made of natural ingredients. It is also important to
massage the cream into the skin thus breaking up the fat cells by the massage
motion. Massaging the affected areas for 3 to 5 minutes will make the biggest
difference in cellulite prone areas.
Dry brush
way, is to include in your daily routine, is to do dry skin brushing
because this will improve circulation to the skin. Dry skin brushing will also
rid the body of toxins that have settled in with in the fat cells of the body.
Purchase a brush made of natural fibers and be sure to do this before you
shower on a daily basis.
There are many other
factors that improve the skin and health of the body by daily skin brushing.
How to do dry skin brushing is simple. Step in your shower with the facet
water off. Make sure that your skin and your brush are dry. Begin brushing
by starting at your feet and working up your body towards your heart, bringing
up the circulation up the body. It is important also to have positive
thoughts about your body and thinking of the beautiful skin you are creating.
Be sure to brush your
stomach in a clockwise motion to ensure good digestion. Also, include your arm
brushing with an upward motion. All brushing must be towards your heart to help
with blood flow and lymphatic circulation. This in turn, will assist your
immune system to strengthen as a bonus.
Take a cool shower to rinse off the dead
skin cells and toxins that have risen to the surface of the skin. Be sure to
massage the cellulite affected areas. Showering in cooler water will help tighten the skin, giving the appearance of being less bumpy.
Cosmetic spray
Another treatement
is to use a cosmetic spray tan that is one or two shades darker than
the skin. This can be a bit tricky and must be applied over all of
the body to give a natural look. This is useful for a quick change,
but of course not a healthy solution with getting to root of the problem, that
is getting rid of the extra fat accumulated.
Some methods used are
more aggressive to the body. Injectable treatments that include vitamins and
minerals in the formula are inserted into the skin to give it a more
even appearance. This is a temporary fix. It make sense to change ones eating
lifestyle on a daily basis instead of having to have needles injected into the
body. Make important changes and include these vitamins and minerals into
the food that is being eaten instead of costly injections.
A great feeling
treatment is to have a qualified massage therapist work with the affected areas
on a weekly basis to help remove cellulite. These sessions, in conjunction
with eating a healthy diet, getting the proper weekly exercise is essential to
being cellulite-free quickly.
In Conclusion

By knowing this, do
not feed the cellulite, but only feed yourself healthy food
that is going to make you have higher energy for your day and
increase your stamina. Make sure to improve your health for yourself and not simply because
of an event coming up or for a person in your life. Be cellulite free for the
improvement of your lifestyle.
SOURCE: http://www.healthambition.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-naturally/
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