The thing that makes it hard to figure out how you compare: Barely anyone has studied va-jay-jay sizes. McFadden, whose focus is on how vulva measurements can influence body image, is on a mission to change that. In her most recent research, she replicated scientist Jillian Lloyd’s study "Female genital appearance: normality unfolds" from the May 2005 issue of the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. It measured the private parts of 50 women who were going to the gynecologist for reasons other than pelvic dysfunction. To build on that research, McFadden studied 168 women, median age 57 years, using the same technique as Lloyd—so the scientific world can start to bank important information about women’s bodies. Here’s what the abstract of her study, which appeared earlier this year in Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, has to say about what's up down there (the full study text isn't available yet since it hasn't been published).
Your Labia Minora
For starters, labia minora come in wildly different lengths from woman to woman. Second, the two sides aren’t the same! “There is a statistically significant difference between the left and right labia minora, which shows that it’s normal if yours are different sizes,” says McFadden. The only time you should really worry about yours is if you experience a lot of chafing or rubbing to the point where you become uncomfortable. “That’s the time to go in and get evaluated,” says McFadden. If you’re considering a surgical labia modification for cosmetic reasons, researchers don’t even know if it improves self-image. “There’s no valid data on that, so it’s a very controversial topic,” says McFadden.
Your Labia Majora
Your Clitoris
Your Vaginal Canal
McFadden’s findings on the vaginal canal haven’t been presented yet, but in the meantime, she thinks it makes sense to follow the guidelines for length from the 2005 study. They found that the average length of a vagina is 9.6 centimeters (about the length of a tube of lip gloss), while the range is between 6.5 and 12.5 centimeters. As for the width, the most recent research is from a 1995 (yes, seriously!) paper in Obstetrics & Gynecology called “Vaginal anatomy and sexual function.” Still, even though it isn’t recent, McFadden is comfortable with its assertion that the range for vaginal diameter is 2.1 to 3.5 centimeters. “One thing to note is that only two women with diameters of 2.1 were sexually active, and both had pain with intercourse,” says McFadden. Unless you’re experiencing pain with sex or an inability to use tampons or even get your period, you likely fall into the normal range for both width and length. And of course, your vagina’s width and length adjust during events like intercourse and birth to better accommodate what your body’s dealing with.
SOURCE: Womenshealthmag
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