We don’t use hand sanitizer of any kind often, and opt for washing hands (with homemade foaming soap) whenever possible, but for times that we encounter things besides good clean dirt, I keep this on hand. This recipe does contain essential oils in higher concentrations than I typically use (read this post about the risks of essential oils).
Natural Hand Sanitizer Gel
The result is a simple-to-make herbal hand sanitizer gel with essential oils. It isn’t as sanitizing as commercial versions or my other recipe which contains witch hazel, but it works great. I wouldn’t use this after visiting a hospital or other place where there are resistant strains of bacteria, but I use it when the kids have just been playing outside or at the park.

- Orange– Natural antiseptic and antioxidant. It also smells great!
- Cinnamon-antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial & astringent
- Clove-Antimicrobial and antibacterial
- Rosemary– Anti-fungal and antibacterial
- Lavender– Antibacterial and antiviral + it smells awesome!
Another benefit to this herbal hand sanitizer gel is that it doesn’t dry the skin and is actually nourishing because of the aloe vera.
This recipe is so simple that your children can help you make it and it can even be made in the container you plan to use so you don’t have to get a bowl dirty.
- 1/4 cup aloe vera gel (I use this organic one)
- 20 drops orange essential oil (I get essential oils here)
- 5 drops clove essential oil
- 10 drops cinnamon essential oil
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 5 drops rosemary essential oil
- Mix all ingredients and store in a reusable silicon tube (like this one).
- Use as needed to naturally remove germs from hands.
Always check with a doctor or health care provider before using essential oils, especially on children or if you have a medical condition.
Stronger Hand Sanitizer
For a stronger hand sanitizer that contains rubbing alcohol and witch hazel and will be more similar to commercial versions without the tricolsan, try this recipe.
Hand Sanitizer Ingredients
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Vegetable Glycerin (optional)
- Aloe Vera Gel
- Cinnamon Essential Oil
- Tea Tree Essential Oil
- Distilled Water (or Colloidal Silver/Ionic silver if available)
- Other Essential Oils if you like the smell
Hand Sanitizer Instructions
To make, mix 1/4 cup aloe vera gel, 1/2 teaspoon glycerine, and 1 Tablespoon of rubbing alcohol in a small bowl. Add 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil along with any other oils you want to add for scent (lemongrass, orange, lavender and peppermint are good choices).
Mix well and add distilled water (or Colloidal/Ionic silver) to thin to desired consistency and add any other oils to desired smell.
Use a small funnel or medicine dropper to transfer hand sanitizer into spray or pump type bottles.
Use as you would any other type of hand sanitizer.
SOURCE: Wellnessmama
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